47 research outputs found

    A static scheduling approach to enable safety-critical OpenMP applications

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    Parallel computation is fundamental to satisfy the performance requirements of advanced safety-critical systems. OpenMP is a good candidate to exploit the performance opportunities of parallel platforms. However, safety-critical systems are often based on static allocation strategies, whereas current OpenMP implementations are based on dynamic schedulers. This paper proposes two OpenMP-compliant static allocation approaches: an optimal but costly approach based on an ILP formulation, and a sub-optimal but tractable approach that computes a worst-case makespan bound close to the optimal one.This work is funded by the EU projects P-SOCRATES (FP7-ICT-2013-10) and HERCULES (H2020/ICT/2015/688860), and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under contract TIN2015-65316-P.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Temporal Isolation Among LTE/5G Network Functions by Real-time Scheduling

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    Radio access networks for future LTE/5G scenarios need to be designed so as to satisfy increasingly stringent requirements in terms of overall capacity, individual user performance, flexibility and power efficiency. This is triggering a major shift in the Telcom industry from statically sized, physically provisioned network appliances towards the use of virtualized network functions that can be elastically deployed within a flexible private cloud of network operators. However, a major issue in delivering strong QoS levels is the one to keep in check the temporal interferences among co-located services, as they compete in accessing shared physical resources. In this paper, this problem is tackled by proposing a solution making use of a real-time scheduler with strong temporal isolation guarantees at the OS/kernel level. This allows for the development of a mathematical model linking major parameters of the system configuration and input traffic characterization with the achieved performance and response-time probabilistic distribution. The model is verified through extensive experiments made on Linux on a synthetic benchmark tuned according to data from a real LTE packet processing scenario

    Resource Speed Optimization for Two-Stage Flow-Shop Scheduling

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    Multiple resource co-scheduling algorithms and pipelined execution models are becoming increasingly popular, as they better capture the heterogeneous nature of modern architectures. The problem of scheduling tasks composed of multiple stages tied to different resources goes under the name of “flow-shop scheduling”. This problem, studied since the ’50s to optimize production plants, is known to be NP-hard in the general case. In this paper, we consider a specific instance of the flow-shop task model that captures the behavior of a two-resource (DMA-CPU) system. In this setting, we study the problem of selecting the optimal operating speed of either resource with the goal of minimizing power consumption while meeting schedulability constraints. We derive an algorithm that finds an exact solution to the problem in polynomial time, hence it is suitable for online operation even in the presence of variable real-time workload.CNS-1035736CNS-1219064CNS-1302563Ope

    Memory-processor co-scheduling in fixed priority systems

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    A major obstacle towards the adoption of multi-core platforms for real-time systems is given by the difficulties in characterizing the interference due to memory contention. The simple fact that multiple cores may simultaneously access shared memory and communication resources introduces a significant pessimism in the timing and schedulability analysis. To counter this problem, predictable execution models have been proposed splitting task executions into two consecutive phases: a memory phase in which the required instruction and data are pre-fetched to local memory (M-phase), and an execution phase in which the task is executed with no memory contention (C-phase). Decoupling memory and execution phases not only simplifies the timing analysis, but it also allows a more efficient (and predictable) pipelining of memory and execution phases through proper co-scheduling algorithms. In this paper, we take a further step towards the design of smart co-scheduling algorithms for sporadic real-time tasks complying with the M/C (memory-computation) model. We provide a theoretical framework that aims at tightly characterizing the schedulability improvement obtainable with the adopted M/C task model on a single-core systems. We identify a tight critical instant for M/C tasks scheduled with fixed priority, providing an exact response-time analysis with pseudo-polynomial complexity. We show in our experiments that a significant schedulability improvement may be obtained with respect to classic execution models, placing an important building block towards the design of more efficient partitioned multi-core systems

    An Analysis of Lazy and Eager Limited Preemption Approaches under DAG-Based Global Fixed Priority Scheduling

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    DAG-based scheduling models have been shown to effectively express the parallel execution of current many-core heterogeneous architectures. However, their applicability to real-time settings is limited by the difficulties to find tight estimations of the worst-case timing parameters of tasks that may arbitrarily be preempted/migrated at any instruction. An efficient approach to increase the system predictability is to limit task preemptions to a set of pre-defined points. This limited preemption model supports two different preemption approaches, eager and lazy, which have been analyzed only for sequential task-sets. This paper proposes a new response time analysis that computes an upper bound on the lower priority blocking that each task may incur with eager and lazy preemptions. We evaluate our analysis with both, synthetic DAG-based task-sets and a real case-study from the automotive domain. Results from the analysis demonstrate that, despite the eager approach generates a higher number of priority inversions, the blocking impact is generally smaller than in the lazy approach, leading to a better schedulability performance.This work was funded by the EU projects P-SOCRATES (FP7-ICT-2013-10) and HERCULES (H2020/ICT/2015/688860), and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under contract TIN2015-65316-P.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Augmented Interaction Systems for Supporting Autistic Children. Evolution of a Multichannel Expressive Tool: The SEMI Project Feasibility Study

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    International audienceBackground: Over the past ten years, the authors have been designing, developing, and testing pervasive technology to support children with autism (ASD). Methods: In the present study, an integrated system based on multimedia and augmented interaction technologies have been tested on young subjects with ASD and dyspraxia in the age range of 6-10 years, in charge for rehabilitation treatments; a team of clinical psychologists has analyzed the results of the experimentation. The ten children involved in the project underwent an initial assessment of praxis skills and motor coordination. Subsequently, the subjects were subdivided into two subgroups: five children participated in the experimentation and five were evaluated as the control group (treatment as usual). Results: The evaluation showed an increased score in the several aspects considered, and particularly those related to motor coordination. An improvement in balancing tests and in hands-movement testing was found. Conclusion: The children involved in the sessions showed greater ability to self-control the movement as well as to select specific motor areas. The methods used seem to be promising to improve emotional and social skills too in a motivating and enjoyable climate. A high level of acceptance by professionals was observed and parents' feedback was also positive

    Response-Time Analysis of Conditional DAG Tasks in Multiprocessor Systems

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    Different task models have been proposed to represent the parallel structure of real-time tasks executing on manycore platforms: fork/join, synchronous parallel, DAG-based, etc. Despite different schedulability tests and resource augmentation bounds are available for these task systems, we experience difficulties in applying such results to real application scenarios, where the execution flow of parallel tasks is characterized by multiple (and nested) conditional structures. When a conditional branch drives the number and size of sub-jobs to spawn, it is hard to decide which execution path to select for modeling the worst-case scenario. To circumvent this problem, we integrate control flow information in the task model, considering conditional parallel tasks (cp-tasks) represented by DAGs composed of both precedence and conditional edges. For this task model, we identify meaningful parameters that characterize the schedulability of the system, and derive efficient algorithms to compute them. A response time analysis based on these parameters is then presented for different scheduling policies. A set of simulations shows that the proposed approach allows efficiently checking the schedulability of the addressed systems, and that it significantly tightens the schedulability analysis of non-conditional (e.g., Classic DAG) tasks over existing approaches

    Timing characterization of OpenMP4 tasking model

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    OpenMP is increasingly being supported by the newest high-end embedded many-core processors. Despite the lack of any notion of real-time execution, the latest specification of OpenMP (v4.0) introduces a tasking model that resembles the way real-time embedded applications are modeled and designed, i.e., as a set of periodic task graphs. This makes OpenMP4 a convenient candidate to be adopted in future real-time systems. However, OpenMP4 incorporates as well features to guarantee backward compatibility with previous versions that limit its practical usability in real-time systems. The most notable example is the distinction between tied and untied tasks. Tied tasks force all parts of a task to be executed on the same thread that started the execution, whereas a suspended untied task is allowed to resume execution on a different thread. Moreover, tied tasks are forbidden to be scheduled in threads in which other non-descendant tied tasks are suspended. As a result, the execution model of tied tasks, which is the default model in OpenMP to simplify the coexistence with legacy constructs, clearly restricts the performance and has serious implications on the response time analysis of OpenMP4 applications, making difficult to adopt it in real-time environments. In this paper, we revisit OpenMP design choices, introducing timing predictability as a new and key metric of interest. Our first results confirm that even if tied tasks can be timing analyzed, the quality of the analysis is much worse than with untied tasks. We thus reason about the benefits of using untied tasks, deriving a response time analysis for this model, and so allowing OpenMP4 untied model to be applied to real-time systems

    Memory-Processor Co-Scheduling in Fixed Priority Systems

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    ABSTRACT A major obstacle towards the adoption of multi-core platforms for real-time systems is given by the difficulties in characterizing the interference due to memory contention. The simple fact that multiple cores may simultaneously access shared memory and communication resources introduces a significant pessimism in the timing and schedulability analysis. To counter this problem, predictable execution models have been proposed splitting task executions into two consecutive phases: a memory phase in which the required instruction and data are pre-fetched to local memory (Mphase), and an execution phase in which the task is executed with no memory contention (C-phase). Decoupling memory and execution phases not only simplifies the timing analysis, but it also allows a more efficient (and predictable) pipelining of memory and execution phases through proper co-scheduling algorithms. In this paper, we take a further step towards the design of smart co-scheduling algorithms for sporadic real-time tasks complying with the M/C (memory-computation) model. We provide a theoretical framework that aims at tightly characterizing the schedulability improvement obtainable with the adopted M/C task model on a single-core systems. We identify a tight critical instant for M/C tasks scheduled with fixed priority, providing an exact response-time analysis with pseudo-polynomial complexity. We show in our experiments that a significant schedulability improvement may be obtained with respect to classic execution models, placing an important building block towards the design of more efficient partitioned multi-core systems

    The menstrual distress questionnaire (MEDI-Q) : reliability and validity of the English version

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    Background: Menstrual cycle has a significant impact on women’s health from different perspectives, both physically and psychologically. The assessment of menstrual-related distress is of pivotal clinical interest, especially in women with chronic exposure to abnormal bleeding or pain. The Menstrual Distress Questionnaire (MEDI-Q) is a new tool originally developed in Italian that comprehensively evaluates menstrual-related distress. Objective: To validate the English version of the MEDI-Q in an English-speaking population. Methods: The study consisted of two phases: an initial translation phase of the original Italian version of the MEDI-Q, and a data collection phase to validate the new English version among 288 native English-speaking women. Results: The English version of MEDI-Q showed excellent psychometric properties, with high internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.84) and test-retest reliability (intraclass correlation coefficient = 0.95). Construct validity was supported by significant correlations between MEDI-Q scores and scores on measures of psychological distress and premenstrual symptoms. Conclusions: The English version of the MEDI-Q is a valid and reliable instrument for the assessment of menstrual distress and its impact on psychological well-being. This tool can be utilized in research and clinical settings to comprehensively investigate the impact of menstruation on various populations, identify and monitor menstruation-related disorders promptly and effectively, and to evaluate the effectiveness of targeted treatments for menstrual distress